Sunday, October 2, 2011

the missing blogger

I know.  I know.  Every time I post I make some promise about how I will do it more often or why it has been so long since my last post.  This promises, no excuses...just an update :)

How do you recap 3 months in one blog post?  Not sure but here goes. These are not in order...just typing as they come to me.

-Evan walks in fact at times he runs
-Brian and I went on a much needed vacation to Jamaica
-We celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary
-Evan is starting to talk...he says ball, mom, dad, dog, book, duck, bye, no and says jibberish often
-We planted two small trees in our backyard
-Just this past weekend we bought a rocking minivan
-Our wonderful friends Tracy and Jeremy got married
-oh did I mention I turned 30....
-I have become kinda obsessed with Nancy Thayer books, I am on my 6th book of hers...going to read all 21 of them
-Evan still loves Mickey Mouse, pillows, his pacifier and his daddy
-His new loves are flags, Wendy, trees, his blanket, oh and telling me no

Thanks for still reading my blog.  Here are some photos of some of these things

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little big man

Yes my little boy is getting so big. He turned one on June 21st. Amazing how quick a year can go and even more amazing that I have only had a child for a year but I cannot imagine my life without him and love him more than anything. Yes I am being sappy for a minute but having a son is life changing and he is by far my best accomplishment of my life. Wow Evan BLair Lassiter you are my world!!!!

He had a big weekend for his birthday. Nancy and Larry came up for the weekend and helped set up for the party on Saturday and the baptism on Sunday. They are always are a big help. I'm so glad they got to be here for the big weekend.

We just tried to have a small birthday celebration because I didn't want to overwhelm him. Just some friends, grandparents and a couple neighbors. We grilled out, opened gifts and ate cupcakes. He had a good time, didn't get too messy and even went to bed fairly on time. He loves his new chair from mommy and daddy. I will post some photos soon I promise. I thought I would be able to post from my iPad but I'm wrong....kinda disappointing!

Friday, April 22, 2011

He is on the move!

Yep he sure is...he is crawling.  I really thought back when Evan was like 5 months old he would be walking by 10 months but I am not complaining.  He just started crawling and that is enough of a change for sure.  He took his first couple steps the weekend of Brians birthday party and so my mom and brians mom got to see it.  He really didnt do much then but about 5 days later he was totally crawling!

My Aunt Pat and Nancy were staying with us and AP thought it was funny that she got him to crawl and then to leave me to take care of him! haha she was teasing him with Cheerios to get him to crawl.  It worked!  Those cheerios are amazing.

So needless to say my baby is growing up.  He is happier that he can move but I am sure he is sick of me saying NO already. I sound like a bit of a broken record.  He is obsessed with the desk drawers in the kitchen nook.  I can't get him to stop.  He has pinched his fingers pretty hard a couple times but that kid is tough or forgetful...

Oh how time really flies by.  I have already bought some stuff for his 1st birthday.  Hard to imagine in 2 months he will be a year old.  Right now I am just glad he still likes to cuddle with me!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Congrats

Wow!  Another growing family.  It must be in the water :) 

I am very excited to say an official congrats to Laura and Chad Side!  They are expecting their first baby too!  It is so wonderful to have friends going through the most amazing transformation ever.  Becoming a mother is a true gift from God.  Poor Mr. Yogi Bear is going to be in for a rude awakening!!! If I had a glass to raise we would toast to a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby!  Love you guys!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Official Blog Congrats!

I want to extend my official blog congrats to my best friend Sara (and of course her hubby david)!  They are expecting their first baby in August.  We are so excited to meet Baby Glenn and find out if it is a she or a he!  Im pretty sure they are not finding out the sex of the baby which is super fun.  We didn't with Evan and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever done!  Cant wait for baby showers, stalking her registry, and just having another mommy friend :)  Evan is quite excited also...he loves friends :)

Here's to Sara and David!!  You will be fantastic parents.  A child is the most precious gift in the world!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vacation Booked!

Yep, we did it.  We booked a vacation.  We have been wanting to do this for a couple years now.  Last summer I was pregnant and there has always been and excuse....but not this time.   Yes I am freaking out a bit to leave Evan for a week but I think it will be really good for Brian and I to have that time together.  I will be soaking up the sun at a pool, sleeping past 6 am and taking naps.  Oh and eating and drinking myself fat :)

So in July we are headed to Jamaica.  An all inclusive Sandals Resort.  Super Pumped!
We are staying in one of these Villa's!  How cool is that!

Happy St. Pattys Day

Evan enjoyed his first St. Patricks Day with a beautiful walk with our neighbor Melissa and her daughter Grace.  It was so beautiful outside we had to take advantage.  Mr. Evan has had a bit of a cold this week.  A trip to the doctor resulted in...sorry nothing we can do :)  At least that is better than ear infection or something else.  So we were inside most of the week.  Not the best photo...but you get the idea :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Big Boy Haircut

I have been missing from the blog world so much that I dont even know where to start....So here is a super short recap!

Evan is a growing machine.  He sits up, he eats food (baby food that I make but still food), he now nibbles on graham crackers, he cracks up lauging, favorite tv shows are mickey mouse clubhouse, jeopardy, and ellen.  He wants to crawl but can't yet.  Kinda of glad to keep him my little baby a bit longer :)

A couple weeks ago Brian was off on a monday and we decided to get Evan's hair cut.  It had 3 really long pieces that were crazy.  So we went off to cookie cutters and he did such a good job.  No tears from him or me.   He looks alot older with it cut and it looks lighter.  You know how I said I didnt cry....well not exactly true.............I didnt cry at the haircut.  About 30 hours later...the tears were streaming down my face.  Brian didnt know what to do.  He thought I had lost it for sure.  You would have thought someone died, thats how hard I was crying about the loss of some hair.  It is growing back now and in a more even way so it looks nice.  Here are a couple before and after photos.  Enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year...more posts!

HI there all bloggers :)

I am here to type to you that Brian worked on my laptop and I should be able to be connected to the blog world again. If Evan continues to be a better napper then I should be able to post photos and update on my life again.

I post alot about Evan and that is basically all I do now that I stay home but I am still a real person! Excited to watch the bachelor tonight!! I am also trying to get myself pumped up to start P90X a week from today. My neighbor Amy and I are going to attempt it. We might have to skip tuesdays and thursdays but anything is better than my current work out routine...(none) I am proud to say that I way less than I did before I got pregnant but it is all in different spots now...yuck. so hopefully i can get a little more fit instead of flabby.

Happy Belated Birthday to Barbie New...we had lunch today and it was so nice to catch up.

see you soon friends