Thursday, December 23, 2010

Im alive

A post i know....Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are going to have a wonderful time celebrating evans first Christmas! We have had a fantastic 2010 and I hope that 2011 is even better. I am so very blessed with a family that loves us always and friends that never stop making us smile. Enjoy some recent pics of the little man!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

finally a post....

Yeah it has been way to long since I have posted. I do have an excuse but it makes my blood boil just thinking about it.I have a is about a year never wants to connect to our internet which makes me want to throw it out the window most days...and when I do have time to get online upstairs on the desktop that computer doesn't read my memory card from my camera. So although I can get online I cannot post photos. Ugh..enough about that... Here is a post finally.

Evan is amazing. He is such a good baby. Rarely cries, laughs out loud, smiles in the morning when he hears my voice, crazy hair, strong legs and neck, likes a good poop, sleeping in his big boy crib, not through the night yet, loves his grandparents (both sides) and is by far the best thing I have ever done.

Evan even went on his first 9 holes of golf the other day. I hadnt played in almost 2 years and I did pretty good. Evan was so good and enjoyed riding in the golf cart.

Being a stay at home mom (at least for now) harder than I thought it would be. I try and do a decent job of keeping the house picked up and getting food on the table...but alot of days I dont shower until 4 or 5 pm. I now watch Ellen, Oprah, and a whole lot of food network.

Evan is also a major TV fan. He will watch it even if we turn his bouncer the other way while we eat dinner...he will stretch his neck all around to see it.

I miss my work friends and my other friends. Being a mom cramps your social style a bit (but worth every second). Love to everyone. Come see us if you are around! Enjoy some pictures!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We are alive

I promise we are still alive. Being home with a newborn and trying to do laundry, nap, find something for dinner, leaves no time for blogging. We have been doing really well. Evan is growing quickly and is 5 weeks old now. I have stepped on the scale and then held him and stepped on the scale and it says 12 pounds. He is starting to get leg rolls. We have had professional newborn photos taken and they are gorgeous. I will post some soon i promise. I am going to the doctor on friday for my 6 week follow up. Weird how quickly time flies by.

Thank you to everyone for their love and support. Brian and I couldnt do this without all of you! Evan is so lucky to have all of you in his life as well.

I will try to be better at updates but who knows.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Its a BOY!!

We did it! We had our sweet baby! Meet Evan Blair Lassiter. He was born Monday, June 21st at 12:24 pm. Weighing in at 8lbs 15oz and 22 inches long. Big Boy! We went to the hospital Sunday night to be induced and Monday we became a parents! I really progressed fast and didnt have to push very long. He was really ready to meet us. I had some issues after he was born. (long scary story) but I am fine now and he is perfect and healthy. We are so happy to have him home with us and watch him grow. We can't wait to spoil him with love and support. Here are some photos!

Here is our Room...and my huge belly.

He was so super clean before they even cleaned him off!Close Up...

Daddy and Baby Evan!

Peace out dudes.
We are heading home...I have the cutest froggy outfit on!
Our neighbors decorated our front door and got us this yard sign!

Hanging out...look how cute I am.
This is mr. evan after his first bath at home.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ready or Not Here We Go...

Well, today is the day. Brian and I heading to the hospital tonight to be induced first thing in the morning. Pretty hard to believe tomorrow we will be parents. Not only will we get to experience the miracle of life...we will finally get to find out if shim is a she or a he! When this entire process started I never expected to see my due date come and go. But there is a bit of peace just walking into the hospital on my own will and letting the doctors take care of me. So many emotions are running through my body. Excited, Scared, Nervous, Love, and on and on. Next time I post something I will be introducing the blog world to our baby!

Love everyone! I have to be at the hospital in 5 short hours. Gotta go shave these legs :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

End in Sight

Well, I will have this baby someday. Although it doesnt feel like it.

I went to the doctor yesterday and I have started dialating so that is progress. We also scheduled the induce date :) I would go into the hospital on the evening of the 20th, and start the induce process first thing in the morning on the 21st. So if shim doesnt come out before then his or her birthday will be June, 21, 2010 :)

Although I want them to come out any is so nice to know that it is only 10 more days max!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


sorry i have been missing from the blog world.

I am just busy not working and waiting for this giant baby to show up. Once shim is born I will actually have exciting news to post about.

Instead all I have are things like, yesterday I cleaned the house with my moms help, tomorrow I am going to the grocery, haha boring.

Hopefully shim will be making his or her debut soon. Not only for my sanity at home but if not he or she is going to be going to the world record on worlds largest baby.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All good things come to an end

Yep....My last day of work is this friday. I have been working as a marketing coordinator for The Precedent Companies for the past 4 years. It at times was hard, stressful, I would complain, etc but all in all it has been wonderful. The economy is getting the best of us and I have been laid off. I have made it serveral rounds of lay offs and now it is time to send me home. It is bittersweet to say the least. Brian and I are busy getting ready for baby shim and that is all that really matters. But as someone who has always had a is hard to be told not to come anymore even if it is a good thing.

This is a picture of me during happier times in my office. I met alot of wonderful people at work, made some close friends and gained knowledge that I never had before. So long workforce.....hello unemployment and motherhood :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ultrasound Photo

Here is the photo from the post above. I forgot a disc when I went to the doctor so I had to scan it. Here is a profile. Its little mouth is kinda open. So cute.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Shim Update

I need to post the photos but I am at home and they are at work. I will post soon I promise.
We had an regular doctor appointment last week and an ultrasound because I am measuring large. (surprise...if you have seen me lately you would know that is true!!)

The appointment went well. everything was normal. We did find out from the ultrasound that Shim is large. Measuring about 3 weeks larger than he or she really is. We also learned that he or she has alot of hair already. We are going to have another ultrasound at 36 weeks (right now I am 33) to monitor the size and then again at 38 weeks if we havent had the baby yet.

I am getting a big uncomfortable now. It is harder to breath and get comfy when sitting now. We are getting all ready for Shim...we cant wait to meet him or her and introduce all of you to shim!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Showers Galore

First let me say that Brian and I are so lucky to have such a great support system for us and "shim". Our family and friends came together and gave us the best baby showers!

First was Brian's side of the family over Easter Weekend. It was a combo shower for us and Diane who is getting married in August. It was so great to share the attention because you know i do not like being the center of attention....especially at a shower. We had a great brunch , played some games and opened gifts. My mom even traveled down to Evansville which was a fun treat. We had a great time.
Second was a Diaper Party/Cookout with some friends. Such a great way to hang out and enjoy the company of our friends while collecting a few diapers! 888 diapers to be exact in all different sizes. We will go through those before you know it. We had lots of laughs....i made brian open those gifts :)
Third was a girlfriend shower with friends i have had since I was 10 to college friends, to work friends, etc. It was so fun. Another YUMMY brunch, a fun memory game (tracy and i tied...but i let her win the prize since it was my shower) Lots of gifts to open...which is hard for me...i start to sweat!
Last but certainly not least, was my side of the family shower along with some family friends. The shower was at my house so i felt a bit more relaxed. We ate lunch, played some games and everyone got a tour of the nursery.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Miles is One!!

Yes, Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Miles. I mean I celebrated his birthday with him, but it is a belated blog update.
My friend Barbie has the most adorable little boy named Miles. Well he is such a big boy! He just turned 1. Barbie did a fantastic job planning his party. She even made a home made birthday banner. I was very impressed. He loved his cupcake and enjoyed playing with his friends. Time really flies. I remember him being born like it was yesterday. Enjoy some photos of Miles Dan the Birthday Man!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good News

They say it’s the little things in life. Well “They” are right. I had my Gestational Diabetes test on Monday. I was not looking forward to it for numerous reasons…

  1. I don’t do well with bloodwork
  2. I am already border-line diabetic and take medication
  3. I was sure I would fail and have to return for the dreaded 3 hour screening
  4. My doctor told me I was at higher risk than most

Well…..I PASSED! Yes not only do I not have to return for the 3 hour test…I do not have gestational diabetes. You would think I hit the lottery…my smile is so big. Although it wasn’t all good news. I am now anemic and have to start taking some iron pills daily but they said that is pretty common for pregnant women.

At my doctor appointment I gained a lot more weight, but Dr. Hayes wasn’t really concerned which is good because my only other option would be to start dieting. And now I start going to see her every 2 weeks instead of 4 because now I am in the third and final trimester. I guess this is really happening!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bump Update....

or should I say....BUMP update. I should learn from previous photos that I need to turn completely to the side instead of this angle makes me look way bigger than I am. I mean dont get me wrong I am huge but I think this makes me look like I am 9 months...when in reality I have 3 more to go. Only 1 more week and then we are in the third trimester. HOLY MOLY I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY SOON!!!

And i probably shouldnt take photos on rainy days...doesnt do much for the look. OH Well....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Inspiring Spring

Yep...I decided maybe a new background would help me think it was spring outside instead of this snow we keep having. Come on warmer weather. Mama needs some sunshine!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby Registry

Well we did it. We braved both Target and Babies R Us on Saturday morning to register for Shim....for those who haven't heard....sometimes I call the baby shim since we dont know what he or she is.....I like it better than it...haha I am crazy.

We started at Target and it was pretty easy (thier selection is limited) and then headed to Babies R Us. It was harder for sure. Both of our registeries say that we havent really registered for enough items but I don't see how that is possible. Who knew shopping for something could be so hard.

Feel free to give me recomendations if you see something i am missing, etc. I also cant stop thinking about it. Thinking maybe I should switch this for that or get it at target vs Babies R Us. I was awake last night from 3-4:30 in the morning just thinking about it....oh my.

The belly is growing at what I say is a rapid pace. Maybe this little person will make their debut a bit early... I need some more shirts...haha add it to the list huh.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sewing Fest 2010

We had a big weekend at the Lassiter household! Brian's parents came up and we put them to work:)

Brian and his dad had a honey do list. Hang a curtain rod, install 2 lights, hang paintings, fix drywall, hang a shelf, etc etc Brian's mom Nancy was the seamstress (my mom came to help also) and my job was to cut fabric, iron and make the meals. We got so so much done. We made a bumper for the crib, a long curtain, a crib skirt, a blanket and a pillow. I just have a couple of final touches to do by hand but other than that we are about done.

Check out the pictures of the nursery. I am so happy with it. I also made had a craft project of a little stool.....i got the idea from cole's room so of course I had to try to make one on my own. I am just waiting till the baby is born so we can add the name. There are also some belly shots on the photo gallery...I am growing fast. This baby better slow down or we are going to make the record books.

Enjoy the photos!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Second Ultrasound

Well today was our second ultrasound. We are at 20 weeks so it was much different than the first one. I had to drink ALOT of liquid before the appointment...anything other than milk. So I had orange juice and water. The technician asked if I had drank coffee becuase the baby was moving all over the place and she had a hard time getting it to stay still enough to take the measurements. I guess I gave the baby a sugar high from all the OJ. It made me laugh to watch her try to catch it just right.

Everything looked good, the baby weighs about 14 ounces and she said it has long legs and a good size head. Hopefully it wont be my dad's head....we call it the freakishly large head. haha

She also said that she could tell what the sex was but didnt tell us. There was a brief moment of "Okay just tell us" but we stayed strong so it is still a suprise. She doesn't even tell the doctor. It was really fun to watch. They also recorded it all on DVD so we can watch it at home again. Ahhh technology. Here are two photos of the baby.
Oh and I forgot to mention that my belly seems to be growing pretty quickly now and I gained 9 pounds from my last appointment. I gained 2 prior to that for the entire time. I guess 11 pounds in 5 months isnt bad but I hope I dont gain 9 every 4 weeks or I will be in trouble.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Special Thanks!

I wanted to send a special thanks to all of my family and friends for their advice, books, and items to help us along in this pregnancy. (I try to be politically correct and say our pregnancy instead of my pregnancy but let’s be real…Brian isn’t starving and growing like I am..hahaha)

I have been given books to read, tips for sleeping, bella band (thanks Barbie), and maternity clothes (thanks Kelly)….but so far my favorite piece of advice has been to enjoy it. It goes so fast and then all of a sudden I am given this wonderful gift from god…our child. I need to cherish each day of this pregnancy no matter how I am feeling or looking.

We are so lucky to have such supportive family, friends and neighbors. I cant wait to share all this love with our future little one!

Pregnancy Update:

We are over 19 weeks now and we are heading to the doctor for our 2nd ultrasound and our 20 week appointment on February 2nd. So weird that it will be half over by then. We have started painting the nursery and hope to finish that this week. The furniture is being delivered and installed on Saturday so that is going to be exciting. It went from an empty room last week to a nursery on Saturday. I will post some photos this weekend after it arrives. Then in a couple weeks Nancy (Brians’ mom is coming up for a sewing marathon and we are going to work on the baby bedding. It is so fun that we get to have custom stuff! The nursery is lime green and Navy and once the little bambino is born we will add splashes of color depending on the sex.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bump update

No questioning if I am pregnant anymore....Nope it is a belly for sure. Different outfits make it bigger than others. Here is a pic of me on Saturday before the awesome colts victory!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Time for Everything

Well this weekend has been full of firsts for me. On friday evening, I wore maternity pants for the first time....I also wore them on Saturday. Lately as I have been growing I just wear dresses with leggings and boots (which I am sure I will continue to do for the most part) but maternity pants made an appearnce. Really you would think they would make them a bit more comfortable....

The other first was friday evening and a little bit every day since then I have started to feel the baby more. It is a bit odd to say the least....not really sure how to describe it. It has been described as a butterfly or gas and it is probably a good combo of the two.

We are 18 weeks pregnant now and I am pretty sure we have offically decided to not found out the sex...but I am still really anxious for our ultrasound on February 1st.

Here is what the baby looks like this week. It is about 5.5 inches crazy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Starting to show...

I can't even believe I am going to post this. I look kinda gross. hahaha certain clothes I still dont look very pregnant. I am still wearing my regular clothes with the help of a bella band. Today, this sweater is a little snug (not to mention it is that way even when I'm not prego) So I was laughing at myself in the bathroom mirror at work because I feel like I look huge. I am not huge, and kinda doing a funny dance which makes me look bigger but the purple sweater has probably seen its last snowy day this winter.

Im sure that later I will look back and realize this is nothing...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Purchase

So I guess go big or go home. Our first purchase for the baby was bedroom furniture. Not a onesie or a toy...a crib, dresser, and changer. I asked for advice on the blog and on facebook. Thanks to everyone who helped. The overwhelming recommendations were to go to Decor 4 Kids in Noblesville. After searching endlessly online, etc we decided the quality, service and warranty were worth a couple extra bucks.

So we did it. We bought Bonivita Baby Furniture in the Peyton Collection. We ordered it in classic white because I really am envisioning dark walls and that way the furniture will really pop. You know another great thing about is all solid wood, and so sturdy. AND they deliver and assemble the furniture for you

Here it is...
This is the entire collection with all 3 pieces we ordered.