Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Special Thanks!

I wanted to send a special thanks to all of my family and friends for their advice, books, and items to help us along in this pregnancy. (I try to be politically correct and say our pregnancy instead of my pregnancy but let’s be real…Brian isn’t starving and growing like I am..hahaha)

I have been given books to read, tips for sleeping, bella band (thanks Barbie), and maternity clothes (thanks Kelly)….but so far my favorite piece of advice has been to enjoy it. It goes so fast and then all of a sudden I am given this wonderful gift from god…our child. I need to cherish each day of this pregnancy no matter how I am feeling or looking.

We are so lucky to have such supportive family, friends and neighbors. I cant wait to share all this love with our future little one!

Pregnancy Update:

We are over 19 weeks now and we are heading to the doctor for our 2nd ultrasound and our 20 week appointment on February 2nd. So weird that it will be half over by then. We have started painting the nursery and hope to finish that this week. The furniture is being delivered and installed on Saturday so that is going to be exciting. It went from an empty room last week to a nursery on Saturday. I will post some photos this weekend after it arrives. Then in a couple weeks Nancy (Brians’ mom is coming up for a sewing marathon and we are going to work on the baby bedding. It is so fun that we get to have custom stuff! The nursery is lime green and Navy and once the little bambino is born we will add splashes of color depending on the sex.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bump update

No questioning if I am pregnant anymore....Nope it is a belly for sure. Different outfits make it bigger than others. Here is a pic of me on Saturday before the awesome colts victory!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Time for Everything

Well this weekend has been full of firsts for me. On friday evening, I wore maternity pants for the first time....I also wore them on Saturday. Lately as I have been growing I just wear dresses with leggings and boots (which I am sure I will continue to do for the most part) but maternity pants made an appearnce. Really you would think they would make them a bit more comfortable....

The other first was friday evening and a little bit every day since then I have started to feel the baby more. It is a bit odd to say the least....not really sure how to describe it. It has been described as a butterfly or gas and it is probably a good combo of the two.

We are 18 weeks pregnant now and I am pretty sure we have offically decided to not found out the sex...but I am still really anxious for our ultrasound on February 1st.

Here is what the baby looks like this week. It is about 5.5 inches long....so crazy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Starting to show...

I can't even believe I am going to post this. I look kinda gross. hahaha

Anyway....in certain clothes I still dont look very pregnant. I am still wearing my regular clothes with the help of a bella band. Today, this sweater is a little snug (not to mention it is that way even when I'm not prego) So I was laughing at myself in the bathroom mirror at work because I feel like I look huge. I am not huge, and kinda doing a funny dance which makes me look bigger but the purple sweater has probably seen its last snowy day this winter.

Im sure that later I will look back and realize this is nothing...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Purchase

So I guess go big or go home. Our first purchase for the baby was bedroom furniture. Not a onesie or a toy...a crib, dresser, and changer. I asked for advice on the blog and on facebook. Thanks to everyone who helped. The overwhelming recommendations were to go to Decor 4 Kids in Noblesville. After searching endlessly online, etc we decided the quality, service and warranty were worth a couple extra bucks.

So we did it. We bought Bonivita Baby Furniture in the Peyton Collection. We ordered it in classic white because I really am envisioning dark walls and that way the furniture will really pop. You know another great thing about it....it is all solid wood, and so sturdy. AND they deliver and assemble the furniture for you

Here it is...
This is the entire collection with all 3 pieces we ordered.