Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year...more posts!

HI there all bloggers :)

I am here to type to you that Brian worked on my laptop and I should be able to be connected to the blog world again. If Evan continues to be a better napper then I should be able to post photos and update on my life again.

I post alot about Evan and that is basically all I do now that I stay home but I am still a real person! Excited to watch the bachelor tonight!! I am also trying to get myself pumped up to start P90X a week from today. My neighbor Amy and I are going to attempt it. We might have to skip tuesdays and thursdays but anything is better than my current work out routine...(none) I am proud to say that I way less than I did before I got pregnant but it is all in different spots now...yuck. so hopefully i can get a little more fit instead of flabby.

Happy Belated Birthday to Barbie New...we had lunch today and it was so nice to catch up.

see you soon friends