Sunday, October 2, 2011

the missing blogger

I know.  I know.  Every time I post I make some promise about how I will do it more often or why it has been so long since my last post.  This promises, no excuses...just an update :)

How do you recap 3 months in one blog post?  Not sure but here goes. These are not in order...just typing as they come to me.

-Evan walks in fact at times he runs
-Brian and I went on a much needed vacation to Jamaica
-We celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary
-Evan is starting to talk...he says ball, mom, dad, dog, book, duck, bye, no and says jibberish often
-We planted two small trees in our backyard
-Just this past weekend we bought a rocking minivan
-Our wonderful friends Tracy and Jeremy got married
-oh did I mention I turned 30....
-I have become kinda obsessed with Nancy Thayer books, I am on my 6th book of hers...going to read all 21 of them
-Evan still loves Mickey Mouse, pillows, his pacifier and his daddy
-His new loves are flags, Wendy, trees, his blanket, oh and telling me no

Thanks for still reading my blog.  Here are some photos of some of these things