Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Doug

Saturday was Doug's Birthday. Brian, Doug, Todd, and Chuck played in a golf tournament all day and then we grilled out at The Sheets house for a nice little birthday celebration. Happy 29th Birthday DD! Only 1 more year of twenties......
Look at this awesome cake!!! Elizabeth ordered it from Taylors and it was amazing!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jude James Haack

Proud Papa Joe

Here are some photos. I cant wait to go meet this little guy!
He looks like a Haack!

Monday, August 24, 2009

another member to the family

Thats right my cousin Joe and his wife Josie gave birth today to a little boy. Or should I say big boy...8lbs 13 oz. I dont have any photos yet but I have heard that everyone is doing good. His name is Jude~

More posts to come

Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Gathering

Brian’s mom and dad do a great job at getting the family together so we all stay in touch. This is the third time the fam has met in Fairfield Glades, Tennessee for a long weekend. Brian’ brother Bart and his wife Jennifer and the boys Ethan and Brayden, Brian’s sister Jennifer and her husband Brett and Grace, Audrey and Luke, The rents Nancy and Larry and Brian and I all had a good ol time!
Thursday night we arrived and did our usually kids watch a movie adults playing board games, drinking beer and laughing till we cry. Friday and Saturday was fun filled with time at the pool, the lake, some shopping while the guys played golf and of course eating. On Saturday afternoon we rented a pontoon boat and the we swam and jumped around…(well they swam…I am a chicken and stayed in the boat) Sunday we packed up the condo and headed home. Besides our long drive both ways it was a fantastic weekend! See you again next year Fairfield Glades!